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Our re-entry and recovery program is designed to support men and women who are transitioning out of incarceration and into their new life as productive members of society. We teach about identity transformation: the old has passed, the new has come.


About this Program

THRIVE is our re-entry ministry designed to encourage and assist men and women as they integrate back into life after prison.

We come alongside individuals to create positive support systems, reestablish family relationships, assist with job placement, and connect with needed healthcare.

We offer Bible studies, faith-based etiquette classes, and character-development classes. We also have volunteer opportunities that open the doors for God to work in and through these men and women.

Ultimately, THRIVE is designed to help our clients succeed in many places they might have failed in the past while also teaching them about the love of God.

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Donation Drop-Off Information


2165 Curtis Street,Denver CO 80205



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Explore our other programs

Positive Pathways

Positive Pathways is a program designed to empower youth and their families by preventing violence and fostering positive solutions to life’s challenges. It offers innovative experiences that tap into the unique potential of today’s youth.

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Street Team

The Street Team Program is a holistic approach to provide immediate, long-term, and spiritual needs to those struggling with homelessness in the city of Denver

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Dream Closet & Pantry

Collecting food, clothing, and household items to care for families and individuals in need

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In the Families In Transition program (FIT), we come alongside families to become a consistent assist on a journey to stability

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Defeating gang involvement and substance abuse issues is often as simple as providing alternative activities

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An outreach that demonstrates Godʼs unconditional love to the Denver community through practical acts of service

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our vision

To bring hope to the hopeless.

our mission

Rescue People, Rebuild Lives, Restore Dreams