About this Program
The Adopt-a-Block program is an outreach that demonstrates Godʼs unconditional love to the Denver community through practical acts of service.
The vision of Adopt-a-Block is to build long-term relationships and trust with the neighborhoods we serve. As we consistently serve each week, we believe that God is creating supernatural change and making a lasting impact in the lives of the people we meet.
Join us the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month as we serve food, play games, paint nails, distribute donations, and build family!
Items We Accept
Items We Don't Accept
This list is not all-inclusive and there may be additional items we do not accept
Donation Drop-Off Information
2165 Curtis Street,Denver CO 80205
Custom Drop-Off?
Fill out the following for for a custom drop-off time
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our vision
To bring hope to the hopeless.

our mission
Rescue People, Rebuild Lives, Restore Dreams